

ROSACEA Treatment

Rosacea is a fairly common long-term skin condition in adults that typically affects the face. It can result in redness, pimples, or flushing and blushing of the superficial blood vessels. While there is no cure for rosacea, it can be improved with medical-grade skin care and controlled with prescription medications. Laser treatments are also sometimes helpful in lightening the redness. Our medical and aesthetic team is uniquely qualified to help you formulate a plan to tame your rosacea. Give us a call or book an appointment online today.


Doctors aren’t sure what causes rosacea, but people with rosacea seem to have one or more risk factors in common, including:

  • Genetic factors
  • Blood vessel dysfunction
  • Excess skin mites
  • Gut bacteria imbalance
  • Smoking habit

Women between 30-50 with light hair and skin seem to be the most susceptible to rosacea.

Although you may need medical intervention, you can do a lot at home to prevent flare-ups and relieve symptoms. For starters, you can keep track of your food and activities to see if you can determine your triggers. Factors like sun exposure, stress, exercise, and alcohol may increase your symptoms.

Once you identify your triggers, try to avoid them. Wear an appropriate sunscreen every day.

Our staff can help you select the right combination of home use skin care products and medical treatments to minimize your redness and calm your skin.

  • If stress turns your face red, get into the habit of practicing relaxation techniques
  • If the sun affects your skin, wear sunscreen and try to avoid sunlight
  • If exercise worsens your symptoms, develop a suitable exercise plan

While there isn’t a cure for rosacea, there are many treatments available to help control your symptoms. These range from gels that tighten blood vessels to antibiotics that kill bacteria to acne medications that clear away the bumps.

Other non-drug treatments for rosacea are also available including:

  • Laser treatments to shrink blood vessels
  • Hydrafacials to infuse calming ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin

See Dr. Glover or Dr. Smith at the first sign of a flare-up before the swelling and redness become permanent. Call Outer Banks Dermatology or use the online scheduler to make an appointment.

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