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Skin Cancer IN NAGS HEAD, NC


The most common of all cancers, skin cancer, affects millions of Americans every year. Given the fact that 1 in 5 people will be diagnosed with skin cancer during their lifetime, it’s important to have regular skin scans by a licensed dermatologist. Dr. Renee Glover MD and Dr. Joyce Smith DNP provide onsite skin cancer screenings. Most skin cancers can be treated in our office. Call us today if you have a spot that you are concerned might be a skin cancer. If you live in the Nags Head, North Carolina area, call the clinic or use the online scheduler to book an appointment.

What are the types of skin cancer and their treatments?

It’s possible for skin cancers to reoccur even after they’ve been properly removed. The risk of having another skin cancer significantly increases after the first one. It’s crucial to regularly follow up with your dermatology provider every 6 to 12 months to ensure that the site is still healed and to check for any new spots. Additionally, it’s important to maintain proper sun avoidance precautions to protect yourself from any additional sun damage that could potentially cause more skin cancers.


Skin cancer occurs when normal skin cells mutate and multiply beyond what is average. There are three types of skin cancer:

  • Melanoma: aggressive; most likely to spread to other parts of the body
  • Basal cell carcinoma: most common type; almost never spreads
  • Squamous cell carcinoma: abnormal cells in epidermis; second most common

Exposure to UV sunlight or tanning beds causes most cases of skin cancer, especially in people with fair skin.

It’s important to take a proactive role in preventing and detecting skin cancer. Watch for changes in your skin’s appearance to help identify skin cancer early, while it’s easier to treat. Some signs that could indicate cancer are:

  • Large moles with uneven edges, noticeable changes, or discoloration
  • New moles
  • Dark brown or black lesions
  • Red/brown scaly skin patches
  • Raised, smooth, pearly or pink bumps
  • Skin sore that doesn’t heal

It’s important to schedule regular skin scans with a trained professional to identify any skin abnormalities that cause concern. Dr. Glover uses their trained eyes to search for suspicious moles and markings, especially in places you can’t easily see.

If your dermatologist detects any skin abnormalities during your scan, she may need to perform a biopsy. This involves removing a small sample of the skin lesion and sending it off to a lab for testing.

If your biopsy indicates skin cancer, your doctor may have you undergo additional testing to check into the extent of the disease, including blood tests, X-Rays, and other evaluations.

Surgical removal of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma is usually all it takes to treat these cancers if they haven’t spread. Malignant melanoma may require more extensive treatments, including radiation and chemotherapy.

People who have had skin cancer in the past are at higher risk for recurrence. If you have skin cancer, your dermatologist will have you return for more frequent cancer screenings.

Schedule your skin cancer screening today by calling Outer Banks Dermatology or using the online booking option.

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