Squamous cell carcinomas, or SCC, are the second most common type of skin cancer. They can be either superficial (called SCC in-situ) or invasive. Unlike basal cell carcinomas, invasive SCCs can spread to other organs and cause metastasis. This is very, very rare on sun-exposed skin, but a definite concern on the lip. That is why any lip lesion that does not heal promptly (within a month) should be examined by a medical professional.
- Thick, flesh-colored to a red, crusty bump or patch
- May look like a "horn" or a "volcano" with a crusty center
- It may appear as a patch of eczema or psoriasis that does not improve with the use of steroid creams.
- This condition typically occurs on sun-exposed skin areas but can also appear on the genitals, lips, and other non-exposed areas.
- Maybe a painful or non-healing area
- UV light exposure from sun exposure or tanning bed—more exposure increases lifetime risk
- Over the age of 50 years
- Fair skin
- History of having a previous case of SCC or other types of skin cancer
- History of many actinic keratoses: pre-cancerous sun damage spots
- Chronic skin inflammation in an area from previous injuries like burns or scars
- Immunosuppressive medications, such as those prescribed after organ transplant surgery or for certain illnesses
- History of the human papilloma virus (HPV)
Electrodesiccation and curettage
Electro-desiccation and curettage
$60| 30 min
To remove the skin cancer, a small instrument called a curette is used to scrape it out. Then, a device called a hyfrecator is used to denature any remaining cells.
Surgical excision
$80 | 45min
The skin cancer is cut out with a scalpel, and the resulting wound is closed with stitches.
Mohs surgery
$80 | 45min
A special type of skin cancer surgery is used for 1) skin cancers on certain areas of the body, like the head or neck, 2) unusually large skin cancers, 3) sclerotic cell types of BCC, or 4) BCC that has regrown after previous treatments. Mohs surgery requires an in-house histopathology laboratory and a physician with special training and certification in this technique. We, unfortunately, do not offer Mohs surgery at our location, but we have relationships with exceptionally competent Mohs surgeons that we can refer you to if needed.
Prescription creams
$80 | 45min
These creams can be used at home to treat superficial SCC-in-situ, when surgery is not appropriate.
In the case of more severe or invasive SCC, we may need to refer you to a cancer specialist for more extensive surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.
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